How My Instagram Has Evolved. Then And Now

The only photographer you should ever compare yourself to is the old you
— Marte Marie Forsberg

This quote rings so true and it's important to remember, whatever you are doing. It is the only accurate comparison that can be made, and no matter what you will always come out better because the present you is wiser than the old you.

I always love seeing how an Instagram of someone I admire has evolved over time. It is such an indication of the creative process which as creatives we can often take for granted. It is so important to remember our journey and admire what we have achieved even if we aren't always proud of our work. I wanted to show you my progression over the past 4 years to show you that at any given time I was doing the best I could according to the knowledge and skills I had. I still don't know exactly what my style is. I am always experimenting.



My photography Instagram @chikaeoh 2014 (formerly Okishima & Simmonds

Up until this point I was only self-taught as a photographer, enjoying it as a hobby. I loved photography since I was a kid and always had a camera in my hands at school but hadn't considered doing it as a career. This was the start of my Floral Design company.



My work Instagram @chikaeoh Present day

Fast forward to present day, you can see my style is more consistent and refined after investing in myself and honing my skills by taking workshops, working alongside other photographers and continuing to learn on my own. I took the plunge and went full-time.


@hikarui_ (formerly @thehikaruilifestyle) Instagram Present day

My photography style is still similar to my photography Instagram however I am allowing myself to experiment more and develop my style as I understand what I want more and more. It's very consistent without restricting my creative process.


Just remember that...

  • We are all human.

  • We are not perfect.

  • We are constantly learning so live in the moment and be the best you can with the knowledge and skills you have there and then.

  • We all evolve over time.

  • Being creative is an ongoing journey - it is never-ending and that is the beauty of being creative.

  • It's important to not compare yourself with someone else because:

    • You don't know how long someone has been doing something for

    • You can never know until you meet someone if they are totally self-taught or trained, how much help they have had

    • You cannot know if they paid for followers (I do not believe in buying followers, it is very inauthentic)

    • You cannot know if someone has been lucky with their social media, timing can help a lot, as well as features and collaborations.

    • You cannot know if they have deleted photos that didn't do well or they didn't like (hell, I'll happily be the first to admit I have deleted photos from Instagram, who cares, it's my brand and my work, don't be ashamed)

    • You are not them. You're you, so do you, because you will do you better than anyone else. You cannot be someone else no matter how hard you try.

  • The only photographer you should compare yourself to is the old you.

  • Don't take yourself too seriously. Remember Instagram is so fun when you don't succumb to its pressures and comparisons.

I studied. I made mistakes. I got better. I admire the person I have become. No regrets. I am not ashamed of any work I have created in the past because, without any of it, I wouldn't be where I am today.

I'll be doing more Instagram/social media/brand-related posts but I would love to hear any queries and questions you may want answered!


Hikarui is a lifestyle blog with a studio extension that offers an alternative take on “wellness” – one that is deeply inspired by Japanese essentialism and wabi sabi philosophy. It teaches readers how to create their own “getaway space” from modern stressors through diary-style prose and lifestyle advice that promotes “lightweight living.” The studio extension showcases Chikae O.H.’s illustrations and photography.

How I Pack Clothes For Lightweight, Stress-free Travel


My Favourite Paris Shops