I Am Enough

I am enough and so are you

This is a profoundly life-changing thought that was brought to my attention by my dear friend, mentor and therapist Ruth. A concept also conjured and talked about by Marisa Peer, Louise Hay, Abraham Hicks and many others.

Something unbeknownst to me was that I was constantly self-sabotaging myself out of doing my best work and being my best self because I had limiting beliefs that weren’t even my own. I am currently in the process of unlearning so that I can re-establish what I actually care about and believe in.

I truly believed that even with all of my learned wisdom, knowledge, experience, both in life and otherwise, as someone that loves to learn and grow, that I still wasn’t good enough. Sadly this pattern of behaviour would mean that I would never believe this because I am never going to reach the top of the mountain. Ever.

Thus my work stopped. My self-care went out the window. My perfectionism was at a record high as were the excuses and procrastinating. Why try when I would never succeed or procure something to my highest of standards? Wrong. Even using this language kept on making me believe this story. It’s total bullshit.

So now my new story begins, my use of language is changing where I know this is all a load of bullocks and that I am more than good enough. In fact, I am fucking amazing at everything that I do.

And so are you. You are where you are supposed to be, doing what you are supposed to be doing right now.


Try This

This is a little trick I learnt from Marisa Peer.

Get some lipstick, a water-soluble pen or anything that won’t leave a permanent mark or sticky note, and write: “I AM ENOUGH” on all of your mirrors and locations around the house that you frequent the most. Try this for 30 days and see if you start looking at yourself differently.

Disclaimer: I cried a lot when I first did this for days because I didn’t believe it. It was a harsh reality I had to face but now I have no time for my own bullshit! It’s a very simple yet powerful tool. I hope that it can give you the love and respect you deserve.



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Hikarui is a lifestyle blog with a studio extension that offers an alternative take on “wellness” – one that is deeply inspired by Japanese essentialism and wabi sabi philosophy. It teaches readers how to create their own “getaway space” from modern stressors through diary-style prose and lifestyle advice that promotes “lightweight living.” The studio extension showcases Chikae O.H.’s illustrations and photography.


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